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About Us

Welcome! Dorsey Farms is a third-generation family farming operation selling top-quality Georgia pecans ,  American Grass-fed Approved pasture-raised beef, and a few vegetables for our neighbors, all from our on-site store, Little Duck Farms!  and  We are going back to our roots, literally, and incorporating more sustainable practices in our farming operations to produce the best quality pecans in South Georgia. This approach to farming allows our orchards, pastures and gardens to be happier and healthier. At Little Duck Farms, we offer the finest pecans for sale, carefully tended by "Big Duck" and his helpers - well there's me, I'm just "mama", and our darlin' (grown) children: Travis "little duck" Dorsey our resident entomologist with a master's degree in Plant Protection and Pest Management from the University of Georgia, is the head duck behind our logo and all things insect- and shenanigans-related and lives and works as a entomologist in Asheville, NC; Emily "little red deer" Dorsey Drew, and her husband, our duck-in-law Sam are the proud parents of our our first Grandducks, little Henry Duck, who we welcomed to the family in August 2017 and little Dorsey duck in April 2019!! Emily is a nurse practitioner; Liza "red boots" Dorsey, has her masters in Drawing & Painting and is living and painting in Atlanta Georgia; and Joe "big papoose" Dorsey is currently serving in the U.S. Army Rangers in Washington State, and we are very proud of our soldier!  These are names given to each child as we played in the woods by the Withlacoochee River on the farm. Of course, we couldn't do without "Big Duck's'" right hand men, Jeff  "Junior Duck"  Bristol, also a second-generation farmer, Jermaine "Yep Duck" Cooper, Robert "What's up duck" Hester, and Chris "Let's Roll" Mathis .

Our family feels enormous pride in offering you the most carefully harvested, freshest and finest pecans, pecan products, vegetables and pasture-raised beef South Georgia offers. We encourage you to buy the products you love from a third generation American farm family, including salted pecans and much more.  Please help support American Agriculture by making the Dorsey family farm the source for all of your pecan needs. We invite you to come enjoy the beauty of our home, Dorsey Farms, home of Little Duck Farms.